Wednesday, October 21, 2009

The Exponent needs to hire a better Editor

        There is what is supposed to be a professional newspaper that finds its way to my doorway every morning.  The delivery service is free, the crosswords and Crypto-Quips are fun, and even one of the comic strips is humorous consistently.  Other than that, there is no reason to look at the rest of the paper.
        The pictures on the front page are so poorly placed and so incredibly 'blaaaah' that every day the paper looks just like the previous day's paper.  Most of the main page pictures are poor pixel quality like the editor tried to expand a small picture after copying and pasting off of the internet.  The only good pictures are the ones in the sports pages, and even those pictures are under par for the professional photographers that line up to snap shots during the home football games.  Still the front page, at the very least, should be somewhat of a priority.  It is also not just the front page picture that makes The Exponent a disappointment; the front page headlines always have a tendency to be very confusing, misleading, and all around unimpressive.  That is just the criticism of the front page.
        The rest of the paper isn't any wonderful cup of tea either.  The paper is littered with poorly planned and obnoxiously large advertisements (sometimes whole pages with nothing else) for things that positively no one could care about.  The Exponent seems to think that people care about random interviews of unimportant people on campus, and what they think on very important topics.  The sports reports are mostly redundant and reduced to quoting from sporting icon's twitter accounts, as if that is real news reporting.  The opinion articles have a tendency to be neutral, and those that write slightly radical in this section typically do not appear as writers in the paper again.  As a college newspaper, it should attempt to be 'on the edge' and provide spicy journalism (Sex Position of the Day was a good example of something to look forward to in the paper).  Some of the best articles in the paper are just copies of interesting reports from other, better, newspapers.  But, with the use improper grammar and spelling errors, the editing staff at the wonderful Exponent can manage to screw up not only their own articles, but also those articles that are just copies from outside sources.  This was printed in the newspaper today: "The football coach at the University of Connecticut said Tuesday he's heard nthng toinictemebes f hi tamwee nvlvd n fgh befoe player Jasper Howard was killed over the weekend."  If the people at the Exponent are honestly too lazy and apathetic to their own work, then they should just hire a person to read the finished newspaper before they print thousands of copies.  That way things like this don't happen and the Purdue population receives a semi-decent newspaper.

1 comment:

  1. "The football coach at the University of Connecticut said Tuesday he's heard nthng toinictemebes f hi tamwee nvlvd n fgh befoe player Jasper Howard was killed over the weekend."

    Is that truly what it said!? I don't believe it!
